
Program Specific Competency Goals

完成护理实践博士(DNP)的护士麻醉学位, the graduate will be able to:

  • 整合护理科学和理论,以改善医疗保健服务系统, 描述改善这些医疗系统的行动和策略, 并评估病人的结果,为不断发展的护理实践现实做准备.  (Critical Thinking, 技术)**
  • 根据科学发现实施和评估医疗保健服务,确保质量和安全,并考虑道德困境, by using advanced communication processes, business and financial principles, and sensitivity to diverse populations.  (多样性, Communication)**
  • 通过传播研究结果,运用循证方法将研究成果转化为实践, collaborating between disciplines, designing processes, 评估质量改进方法以满足人类复杂的需求.  (Professionalism, Communication, and Critical Thinking)**
  • Design information systems to guide clinical decision making, evaluate programs, 在考虑与信息使用相关的道德和法律问题的同时,改善医疗保健结果.  (技术, Communication)**
  • Demonstrate 领导 through the development, 实现ation, 并分析卫生政策的微观和宏观系统的医疗保健通过参与政策制定者和倡导社会正义和护理专业.  (Professionalism, 多样性)**
  • Lead interprofessional teams through effective communication, 领导, 以及在复杂的医疗保健服务系统中开展实践改进创新的合作.  (Communication, Professionalism)**
  • 分析医疗保健服务模式使用科学数据开发, 实现, 评估健康促进和疾病预防战略,以解决人口健康护理方面的差距.  (多样性, Critical Thinking, 技术)**
  • Demonstrate advanced clinical judgment, systems thinking, 通过跨专业合作,为专业护理实践设计和实施循证护理, excellence in nursing, 以及与病人和其他专业人士的治疗关系.  (Critical Thinking, Communication, Professionalism)**

Council on Accreditation (COA) Graduate Standards


  • 通过警惕和预防并发症,支持患者安全.  (Critical thinking, 技术)**
  • 通过提供个性化的护理,展示患者麻醉周围管理的能力, culturally competent care across the life span.  (多样性, 技术)**
  • Demonstrate critical thinking, 责任和问责,在评估时应用基于证据的概念来决策和解决问题, diagnosing, managing and evaluating perianesthesia care.  (Critical Thinking, 技术)**
  • 培养人际沟通技巧,促进有效的信息交流和协作,同时尊重患者隐私和保密.  (Communication, 技术)**
  • 培养一种整合批判性思维和促进专业合作的领导风格.  (Professionalism, Critical Thinking)**
  • 表现出专业精神,包括对学术和个人诚信的承诺.  (Professionalism)**

**括号内的类别表示与PG电子APP学生成功技能的关系, which are our institutional student learning outcomes, and include Communication, 技术, Critical Thinking, 多样性, and Professionalism

Performance Outcomes

  2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
First Time Board Pass Rate* 86.7%
Overall Board Pass Rate* 100%
National Average Board Pass Rate (first time)* 84.4% 84.1% 84.1%
Graduation Rate*** 100%
Job Placement/Employment Rate**** 100%

Attrition Rates

  2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
Attrition Rates 0% 0% 6.6%

委员会通过率是通过成功完成专业执照考试或国家认证考试的毕业生人数来衡量的. 该学位的国家认证考试是注册护士麻醉师考试.

** Method 3 calculation 

*** Graduation rates for this program are measured at GR 100. 这是指学校符合条件的学生在100%的证书/学位课程公布时间(准时)内完成学位/证书课程的百分比。.

****就业率是根据归国毕业生调查得出的, alumni surveys, employer surveys, and individual graduate’s reports to the program.


COA Accredited Nurse Anesthesia Programs